A morning to Remember
Sometimes things comes your way unexpectedly. I think Saturday morning was one of them. I had traveled to Mysore on Friday evening and we all friends(Me, Nid, PP, Nish) met to spend one of the most memorable nights. What happened and what was discussed in the night will remain secret. So by the time we all went to bed it was 3AM in the morning. Final words before sleep from Nid was "Machu wake me up early tomorrow I will take you to a special place".
We all slept in the ambiance where V TV was continuously running on one side, Nish trying to pull my blanket, PP lying half on bed half on the floor. But still there was so much serenity in everybodies sleep :).
Suddenly my phone made a sound and woke me up. It was a message from my friend. Thanks for waking me up since Nid had plans to take me to a special place. The Time showed 5:30 in the morning. After many unsuccessful try to wake up Nid, he at last he got up at 6:30.
I was in my tracks and sleeveless T-Shirt. Nid was in his usual three-fourths and pullover. The plan was for a morning bike ride to the Mysore university. As soon as we came out of the room the fresh smell of Mysore air had made its impression on me. We took the bike(without helmet) and started towards our destination. Nid was ridding slowly just to enjoy the morning. Our first pit stop was a the T-Stall in the university campus behind the ladies hostel. We looked at each other and said that sometimes when we just wake up and come we look smarter :). We had tea and I fed the dog which was looking at me with so much hope, a bun. I don't like to disappoint anybody :).
We could see people walking in the campus and were jealous of not having such a place in Bangalore. I said to myself "Never mind now that we are here lets enjoy this freshness". We then parked the bike near somewhere and took a walk to the kukkarahalli lake. We both sat near the lake for almost an hour discussing about what we have gained in life and what we have lost. We had our answers right in front of us
"We have such good friend... that's the biggest gain in life. The answer for what we have lost was that "Our friends never make us feel that we have lost anything". That's how much we support our friends.

That's why probably Shijin bhai once said "There are 3 levels of friends I have seen. After seeing you people I understood there is a 4th level too".
The next place within the university where we went was the lush green huge university playground. We walked in the ground for sometime listening to music. It was almost 9 in the morning and we could see parents coming to drop their daughters. Nid always liked Mysore girls so he was happy to see them back. After all this our stomach was asking for some food. We both went to KD road and had breakfast at Green leaf.
The sun was bright enough to suggest us that the morning was almost over. So we headed back to the room after enjoying one of the finest morning of my life till date :).
Finest mornings u had..but thrs a correction add "till date"..:)
cos mysore is open to more wonders..which u may experience soon..:)so bro cheers!!!
When i read it,i felt like am also a part of ur ride :)..Nice.
marakam !!! nee kollalo ...
good narration !!! enikishtamayi ... :)
zwda kollalo vedion ;-) u can write the next five point someone :-)))
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