Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Work -- Tagged by Unmana

What does work mean to you?
Work has always been a passion for me. Even since I started working almost 6 years ago I never thought I would go on to do so well(Touch wood). To be frank The Girl was my inspiration. I worked hard so that I could be successful and earning well to take care of her.

Work has always been about learning and ready to accept things. Success will find the person who improvises his learnings in his future. I have worked under several manager. Let it be love, work or manager we always tend the cherish the first one. So I do respect my First Manager Sesh and also give him some credit to where I am today. When I had an interview her never used to assign me any work and used to ask me to prepare well.

I have still not started answering What does work mean to me :). Work is something I love to do. Though we get paid for it but still if you don’t love your work then you cant do justice to it. I try and do justice to my job. Though there is so much stress in work but it helps us forget our personal problems at least for a solid 10-12 hours. The satisfaction which we get on finishing something challenging is incomparable. So work gives us the most important thing money, it also gives us satisfaction, stess(got to get used to it) and it also teaches us how to handle difficult situations. I am getting little emotional here but "I love you work"..ummahaaaaaaaaaa.
I have worked with 3 companies and I have loved my work. The day I stopped enjoying my work, would be a the day to move on. I am still at work so I better stop this blog here else …...


Blogger Arun said...

thrs a correction insted of gal is my inspiration it shld ve been..Gals are my inspiration..:)..

March 17, 2009 at 8:52 PM  

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