Rock ethos concert
Mar 14 2009 Rock ethos concert
Venue: Bangalore palace grounds
A normal weekend got converted into a memorable one. I give the credit to Ram(name changed)who called me up and planned for the Rock show at the palace grounds. I had little expectations since I don’t listen much of Rock musiq. But then how would I know that I would learn new things at the concert. Again I would give some credit to Ram.
Enemies were at the gate exactly at 7PM and we entered the world of Rock musiq not before having a small argument with Bike Parking guy for taking more money. We were frisked at the entry gate and 2 bottle of Vodka were into the concert unnoticed by the Police. Great security I should say.
When we entered the atmosphere was almost set. But vodka inside shyam(name changed) bag was making too much noise. So I got a glass and when I said lets have it somewhere inside itself Nish disagreed. He wanted to step out of concert to have Vodka. When I question back he said the unsaid rule of a rock concert is not to have drinks inside the concert. The unsaid rule was chanted at last.So we went out to the parking lot. Got couple of lemons also. Ram was all set to finish both the bottle alone but we helped nish with one peg each.

Rock concert is most enjoyable when you have good spirit. So there we were having spirit outside the concert. But once the spirit goes in knowledge comes out. So Ram was all set to make us understand Rock musiq's connection with people mentality, Ram had done all his research to find out that people who love Rock music are very soft at heart and very emotional. People who listen to Classical music(karnatic etc) are mentally/emotionally strong. Good to know such information…..
In the mean time Galeej Gurus were performing. We took our time and by the time we went inside Cryptos were all set to Rock. There came another gyan of the day was "Rock concert is all about head banging" and Ram was in full zoom. I could see so many guys closing their eyes shaking only their heads. Probabaly that’s head banging.Though I hardly understood what was sung but I really enjoyed the guys playing guitar with such ease. Wish I could play my Guitar like that.
Anyhow the show ended and so did the gyan. Back to our homes and with the determination that we will be back when the next concert comes for more enjoyment and more Gyan.
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