Now a day its not very often its possible to meet everybody in our group together. But this time it happened and everybody made it except Nish. I picked up Nid on the way at 10:30 and soon we were on to mysore road along with my wife(Nethra). There was no hurry so I drove aaraam se with a break near Maddur coffee day. We had some Ice cold coffee and Nethra had her Dark Forest cake. That is when I said "Life is beautiful". How often do we really think Life is beautiful. Anyhow we just enjoyed our drive to mysore and reached Jay's home at 1:30. Abhi and Jimsha the guests from Hydrabad has already arrived.
To my surpise the Lunch was almost ready. Chicken, Fish curry, Rice etc etc all prepared by Anu and Jimsha. Jay looks like such a responsible husband :) taking care of all logistics .
Anyhow Rakz was the surpise package who had decided not to come. But he could not resist coming and he rode his bike at highest possible speed just to pay fine to police and to reach quickly. So there we were in mysore at Jay's house. Everybody of us(Me, Jay, Nid, Abhi, Rakz, PP, Jim, Anu, Nethra) except Nish who is (in) Deep shit(according to him) as he has to give a presentation to a huge east asian audience.
Jay did not leave any stone unturned to make sure his LCD TV and home theater was in place and working condition by the time we reach. He also put the spiderman movie like in the LCD TV shops to show the clarify and features of the TV. Anyhow we all liked his house.
I had kabab prepared by Anu. Later I came to know that it was chilly chicken not kabab. Never the less the lunch was quite good. :). After lunch all guys had some time just to chit chat rolling over each other. Anything that looked good in Jay's house was from dubai :).

In the evening we all left to Planet X. We had awsome time eating, drinking, bowling. Oh if you really wanna enjoy bowling then you really should have a big group like us. We almost played for 2 hours and at the end Rakz won the game. Anusha tried her best to hit but most often ended up in gutter. Jimmu started of quite nicely but then followed Anusha's way. Nethra was better who managed to hit most of the times. Anyhow it was real fun. Later we guys went for Go-Karting. I beat everybody by almost 2 rounds. Rakz was warned couple of times. Nid and PP were in there own world while driving.
The clock showed 9:30 and it was time to go and some dinner at our Favroute place Green's. I always wanted to take Nethra to Green's just because of its ambience. We had a lovely dinner with everybody trying to speak to be waiter in kannada. Gosh we laughed laughed and laughed cracking all kinds of jokes. This was the kind of breakout that I was looking forward to.
2nd day's fun to be continued…….
Labels: Friends together